Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Tenth One

My first run after the tenth marathon.
Thinking back, remembering each mile, each marathon, I began to compare the miles with the milestones of my life. My first marathon. Scripture taught me, run the race before me with perseverance. At the 23rd mile there was an older man ahead of me wearing camoflouge shorts. Singing Amazing Grace. It made my heart smile as I sang along for those last few miles before being greeted at the finish line by 3 little girls and their handsome dad.

The 23rd Psalm came to my mind.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
There was a time in my life when all seemed right. Birthday parties, family vacations, picture albums filled with happy memories. I did not know 'want'. I ran easily, comfortably, thankfully. With God at my center and friends by my side, we ran together. It was early in the race, running strong, and it felt good. Eyes fixed on Jesus, we run for the joy.

"He guides me through paths of righteousness for His Name's sake."
We continued to run together for a long time. Me and 3 little girls and their handsome dad. The days became harder as our time together grew shorter. We were all tired. Sick. And tired of wondering what would be around the next bend in the road. Each time saying, "Lord, surely not this!" And each time He would answer by saying, "I will be with you."

"He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters." 
 Leaving him there was the hardest thing we ever had to do. A beautiful green pasture beside quiet waters; family and friends surrounding us. Our legs were screaming at us to stop. Stop running. Stop living. Stop.We were paralyzed. There was fear. There was anger. So lost in pain we couldn't find each other. The cloud of witnesses surrounded us, almost suffocating at first. I just wanted to lie down with him. Crawl in beside him, and lay next to him in the grave.

And God quietly said to me, "I will restore your soul."
We looked around to find each other. All of us devastated, crying out in pain. Stopped.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death......"I will fear no evil, 
 for You are with me....."

The 23rd mile.
Amazing Grace, for us, for today. I knew we couldn't stop. We needed to keep running.To keep living. We reached out our hands, and one by one held on tight.....
and began to run together again. Me and 3 little girls.
God at our center. Family and friends by our side. With renewed strength, we ran together. Remembering the words of promise that were left on the stone,
the stone beside the quiet waters,
"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength,
they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint." Is. 40:31

"Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life."
My tenth marathon. I didn't want to 'just' finish, I wanted to finish well, better than ever before. I had trained hard, and come so far, and was hoping for a personal victory of finishing in under 4 hours.  The 23rd mile. I was 'walking on water,' and then I began to doubt. To doubt that I could keep going. Like Peter, when he stepped out of the boat to walk on water, as soon as he began to doub, he began to sink. My legs were screaming at me to stop. And God literally sent an angel to run with me.

"Your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
 His shirt read Coach Marty. He saw the look in my eyes from the sideline and asked me what is it that I really want to do. He said, "It's going to hurt, but if you really want this I can get you there."  He stayed just a little ahead of me, keeping me going when my mind said to stop. Just like I had done before.  Then he was gone.
And there it was. 26. Three more turns and I saw the finish line up ahead. I was picking up speed as I ran downhill. Street lined with people, I saw three faces....cheering for Mom. Tears of joy streamed down my face as I stopped my watch at 3:57.  and thanked God for the victory.
We continue toward the finish line together. God has helped us to overcome so much and has given us victory.  The 23rd mile is always the hardest.

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